List of Abbreviations

anim. abl.         Animate ablative case marker

acc.                  accusative case (object marker)

adj.                  adjective (adjectival)

adv.                 adverb(ial)

AJP                  adjectival participle

AVP                 adverbial participle

bene.                benefactive, உக்காக case suffix, 'for'

compl.             விடு, completive.htmlect, also unexpectedness

cond.               conditional

conj.                conjuction

cont.                continuous.htmlect

dat.                  dative case ('to', 'from')

emph.              emphasis/emphatic (e.g., தான், ஏ, கூட)

excl.                 exclusive (cf., 1st person plural)

fem.                 feminine (e.g., 3rd person feminine, அவள்)

fut.                   future tense

gen.                  genitive case

imp.                 imperative

impol.              impolite/informal/familiar

incl.                 inclusive (cf. 1st person plural)

inf.                   infinitive (cf., to X)

instr.                instrumental case ('by', 'because of')

lit.                    literally

loc.                  locative case ('in')

masc.               masculine (e.g., 3rd pers. masc. அவர்)

neg.                  negative/negation

neut.                neuter (e.g., இது இருக்கு 'it be-pres-neut')

obl.                  Oblique (e.g., oblique form of நான் = என்)

perf.                 perfective.htmlect, இரு as auxiliary verb after AVP

pers.                 person (e.g., 1st person = 'I')

pl.                    plural

PNG                 person-number-gender (agreement marker on the verb)

pol.                  polite (honorific), also formal

poss.                possessive ('my')

pres.                 present tense

pst.                   past tense

sing.                 singular

vb.                   verb

wr.                   written (Tamil)

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Securing a real stress could be a definitive what tops off an already good thing in your voyage to idealizing a dialect. While a few stresses are glaringly clear like the American twang contrasted with the melodious Irish stress, some are inconspicuous and scarcely observable to the untrained ear. Inevitably you may have the ability to perceive these minor distinctions in stresses between distinctive areas and individuals. Mastering it can take longer, however might be exceptionally satisfying.

Wouldn't it be great if we could stand up in comparison the American and the British stress: despite the fact that both are English, they are really enunciated utilizing diverse parts of the mouths? Britons have a tendency to utilize the front a piece of the mouth and the tip of the tongue, though Americans "push sounds together" with the back a piece of the mouth and to a substantial degree depend on the nose. That is the reason American English is to be said to sound "harder" (rather than "softer").

Each one stress truly is an arrangement of claiming words in a standard way. Furthermore the distinctions between them are best seen (or rather, listened) in the vowels. I used to advise my scholars who need to get a London Cockney stress to basically develop their mouth when purporting the "I" sound and they would promptly sound a great deal more like a few Londoners. Obviously there are other little portions which must be procured through animated listening to the local speaker's discourse.

Local speakers
use diverse parts of their mouth and distinctive facial muscles to get their trademark sound. You likely have heard or recognized something about the French individuals. I'm not discussing their charged sentimentalism (or pretentiousness, contingent upon if you're an admirer or not). It has something to do with the solid nasal sound. (Some even say that the French talk with their noses.)

There is some truth to it, however entertaining it may sound. To talk exceptional French you have to first get the expertise of "pushing" certain sounds through your nose.

The French are not the main ones with an interesting discourse style; every dialect makes utilization of diverse parts of your mouth and vocal harmonies.

Certain dialects could be physically outlandish for you to talk with a honest to goodness stress because of some frail muscles of the mouth (which are never used to talk your native language), yet you can intentionally improve certain muscles and breathing example to get quite near a local speaker.

On occasion you may find it truly troublesome to mirror a sound or to comprehend the way a local speaker is utilizing his mouth. A quite capable strategy I stumbled upon is the thing that I call the "stress converse building".

Watch how a local speaker talks your own particular dialect. Chances are he/she will be talking with a stress. This will abandon you hints about how the local speaker utilizes his/her "vocal instruments", in particular which some piece of the mouth he/she has a tendency to utilize more, where he/she puts his tongue, how the air in his mouth is directing, and so on.

Case in point, assuming that you are considering how to talk German the way Germans do, only listen to how they talk English. You will perceive that they maintain English in a particularly "raspy" way, stressing all the "s" and "z". The British performer Sacha Baron Cohen makes a quite exceptional showing in his "Da Ali G Show", mimicking an Austrian. Assuming that conceivable, listen to how he pushes his tongue send and tap on his sense of taste.

Obviously, entertainers on TV regularly get a kick out of the chance to play into stereotypes and misrepresent stresses for a comic impact. You may as well mean to sound persuading and not hostile.

Leading establishment in developmental psychology and education report that children who have mastered reading readiness skills find themselves better organized for scholastic success than children who have not mastered the basics of reading. But what, exactly, is reading readiness?


In the view of many experts, reading readiness includes:


* "The teachable moment for reading: A point in time when the pupil is ready to learn how to read.



* "A evolution extending over several months during which time the child (student) steadily changes from a non-reader to a beginning reader. In this case the readiness program couples the (student's) past learning with new learning and brings the (student), gradually, through the transition…




The Ready to Read Child…

•     Simply put, reading readiness is the point at which a child is intelligently, delicately, and mentally prepared to read. Being ready to read means that the child has the skills that he or she needs to comprehend the concepts of reading. It also means that the kid is capable to realize what he or she reads.

•     The point of early literacy programs is that they set up children to read. In the home schooling environment, this means reading to immature children, sharing oral stories with children to glow their imaginations, and setting a good example for children by reading yourself.

•     Fascinatingly, early literacy, or reading excitement, is often a "program" that comes obviously, especially to the parent that emphasizes the consequence of education. Many home school educators suppose that learning is a lifelong process and that preparing children to learn is as significant as the act of learning itself. For this reason, reading readiness is a process that occurs rather visibly within the homeschooling environment.

Preparing Children to Read…

•     There are numerous strategies that can help parents and home school educators prepare young children to read. Most significantly, children need to have access to reading material. From colorful and entertaining early reader books, to television shows that include simple text reading opportunities, and even the back of a cornflakes box, children need to be bounded by fun opportunities to read.

•     Reading opportunities present themselves in the oddest of places. Some parents like to play word games with their children while driving. Others help their children arrange to read by locating letters on a page to teach their child letter-recognition. Still others employ conventional methods such as taking the time to read together for a few minutes each day.

•     Although children appear to be only "looking at the pictures" when reading with an adult or older child, they are also fortuitously learning about words, sounds, and sentence structure.

•     Children also need a great deal of guidance as they learn the basics of reading. Although every parent would like to consider that his or her child is a standard genius, the fact is that even a genius needs help getting started. That's why it's essential to make sure that children have help with beginning reading concepts such as phonics and syllabics. Taking the time to sit with a child and read with him or her can make all the difference in the world.

Online Education with Customized Scheduling Tips…

•     Online education permit students to study using interesting multimedia study pleased along with the sumptuousness to studying at their own pace with limited cost contribution. Not only do these online education websites offer booklet aligned study content for CBSE, ICSE, Maharashtra, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu state boards but also present a pool of interesting videos from the web. These videos have been arranged chapter-wise so that students can access and learn from these videos without much irritate.

•     For all you students who ever thought that school studies are tedious, online education can be a real refresher! Online education will not only tap up your studies but will also ensure that your learning in all subjects is solid and your concepts are thoroughly tested for a great performance in school.

•     Online education is not only valuable for school students but also for working dedicated who wish to follow a degree/diploma course but have been unable to do so because of scarcity of time and other constraints. These working professionals can now choose to track an online Bachelors or Masters program without worrying much about problems like lack of time, high costs concerned etc.

Benefits of Online Education …

Here are a few advantages of studying online:

•     Online education gives students the elasticity to study anytime & everywhere. All that a student requires is a computer and an internet association. With these two things in place students can start surfing their way through a overabundance of study content that is made available online by a range of websites.

•     Studying from black and white books can frequently make the complete studying experience dull. Students can make their studies interesting by referring to the multimedia enriched study content that is available as a part of the online courses by various e-learning websites. These real life/ 2D/ 3D videos & animations can add the much necessary life to their studies and help can understand content through attractive visual & verbal reminder.

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Free study videos from the web …

•     Not only do these online education websites provide set of courses aligned study content for CBSE, ICSE, Maharashtra, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu state boards but also offer a pool of motivating videos from the web. These videos have been approved chapter-wise so that students can access and learn from these videos without much disturb. Students can view these videos extremely free of cost by just registering at these online education websites.

•     Online education is not just about studies!

•     Apart from study content, online educational websites also have a grouping of other things to present. Students can take online individuality tests, aptitude test & interest test to get insights on their strengths & weaknesses. Students can also try their hand at interesting games & puzzles available at these websites that will help them learn about Indian history, famous mathematicians, etc..,

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